What is 'Woke?'
Hello all.
At the bottom of my production company's website main page is the statement:
"Your positive source for 'woke free' entertainment!"
I’ve been asked to give the modern definition of the word 'woke.'
Here's the rough draft. Can you think of anything to add, subtract, edit or proof? All suggestions welcome. You can leave your suggestions here.
After the final edit, I'll post this definition online.
(I’ll close this form on September 30, 2022.)
Thanks!!=======================What is 'Woke?'
Woke is:
• Silencing, censoring and general intolerance of thought and speech that questions ‘Woke’ thought. Blindly following an intolerant and moralizing ideology without question. • To justify extortion to silence criticism. ('doxxing', or covert research and exposure of a person's private information to the public. This is highly illegal in many juristictions.)
• Demanding that “the science is settled” without proper, objective application of scientific methods. Suppressing questions on the methodology used and the possibility of agenda driven results. The inflexibility to question the ‘settled science.'
• An unbalanced re-definition of the term ‘racism’ so that the word's legitimate use to describe real injustice is diluted… and made ineffective. Casually applying the word ‘racist’ to any disagreeable situation.
• Believing that there is more than one type of justice, arbitrarily applied to different groups.
• To believe that one race is inherently better than another, and to teach this belief to children using various methods such as Critical Race Theory. • A belief that exposing schoolchildren to drag queens is positive for their social development. • Supporting mass media's efforts (Disney, 20th Television Animation, etc.) to groom, sexualize and corrupt our children's childhood innocence with their cartoon programming. (Little Demon, Family Guy, Lightyear, Southpark).
• Believing that feelings outweigh results. Believing that feeling good is better than doing good.
• A false, pretentious sense of enlightenment over those considered ‘non-woke.’ An unqualified sense of moral superiority. • To hold deviance in all forms, sexual, moral, legal and political... as something to be promoted, admired and emulated. (If it feels good, do it!).
• Hypersensitivity in everyday living and common interactions. Seeking to derive a false, undiserved victim status from commonplace situations and interactions. Using that improperly applied, deviant ‘victim’ condition as a platform of honor to stand above, and to look down upon others.
• The equivalent of ‘Politically Correct.’
• Believing there are more than two genders in human biology. • To feel that is right and proper to allow men of questionable character to compete against women in women's sporting events and thus destroy their sports.
• To ridicule religious faith. To deride someone’s personally held belief in a higher power.
• To enable and support laziness, sloth and gluttony as traits worth embracing. To honor vagrants, hobos and tramps. To hold this condition in high esteem.
• To encourage dependence on ‘free’ government handouts.
• Embracing chaos and anarchy over peace, law and order. Calling to defund law enforcement organizations.
• To support the elimination of national borders, support of a ‘One World Government’ and the eradication of a nation’s… and individual’s… freedom of action and self-determination.
• Supporting elimination of personal property and legally earned wealth.
• The desire to kill innocent babies in the womb, up to and including the time the baby is born, while advocating leniency and release for convicted murderers.
• To advocate disarming law-abiding citizens, removing their natural right of self-defense for themselves and their families. To allow only the rich and well-connected the right to self-defense.
• To offer no real consequence for criminal activity. Releasing criminals back out onto our streets after giving them little or no punishment for their criminal activity.
• To push mass media produced propaganda supporting ‘woke’ thought while suppressing all other viewpoints. That is where this definition of 'woke' currently stands. What say you? William James Boyd Executive Director Boyd Broadcasting
At the bottom of my production company's website main page is the statement:
"Your positive source for 'woke free' entertainment!"
I’ve been asked to give the modern definition of the word 'woke.'
Here's the rough draft. Can you think of anything to add, subtract, edit or proof? All suggestions welcome. You can leave your suggestions here.
After the final edit, I'll post this definition online.
(I’ll close this form on September 30, 2022.)
Thanks!!=======================What is 'Woke?'
Woke is:
• Silencing, censoring and general intolerance of thought and speech that questions ‘Woke’ thought. Blindly following an intolerant and moralizing ideology without question. • To justify extortion to silence criticism. ('doxxing', or covert research and exposure of a person's private information to the public. This is highly illegal in many juristictions.)
• Demanding that “the science is settled” without proper, objective application of scientific methods. Suppressing questions on the methodology used and the possibility of agenda driven results. The inflexibility to question the ‘settled science.'
• An unbalanced re-definition of the term ‘racism’ so that the word's legitimate use to describe real injustice is diluted… and made ineffective. Casually applying the word ‘racist’ to any disagreeable situation.
• Believing that there is more than one type of justice, arbitrarily applied to different groups.
• To believe that one race is inherently better than another, and to teach this belief to children using various methods such as Critical Race Theory. • A belief that exposing schoolchildren to drag queens is positive for their social development. • Supporting mass media's efforts (Disney, 20th Television Animation, etc.) to groom, sexualize and corrupt our children's childhood innocence with their cartoon programming. (Little Demon, Family Guy, Lightyear, Southpark).
• Believing that feelings outweigh results. Believing that feeling good is better than doing good.
• A false, pretentious sense of enlightenment over those considered ‘non-woke.’ An unqualified sense of moral superiority. • To hold deviance in all forms, sexual, moral, legal and political... as something to be promoted, admired and emulated. (If it feels good, do it!).
• Hypersensitivity in everyday living and common interactions. Seeking to derive a false, undiserved victim status from commonplace situations and interactions. Using that improperly applied, deviant ‘victim’ condition as a platform of honor to stand above, and to look down upon others.
• The equivalent of ‘Politically Correct.’
• Believing there are more than two genders in human biology. • To feel that is right and proper to allow men of questionable character to compete against women in women's sporting events and thus destroy their sports.
• To ridicule religious faith. To deride someone’s personally held belief in a higher power.
• To enable and support laziness, sloth and gluttony as traits worth embracing. To honor vagrants, hobos and tramps. To hold this condition in high esteem.
• To encourage dependence on ‘free’ government handouts.
• Embracing chaos and anarchy over peace, law and order. Calling to defund law enforcement organizations.
• To support the elimination of national borders, support of a ‘One World Government’ and the eradication of a nation’s… and individual’s… freedom of action and self-determination.
• Supporting elimination of personal property and legally earned wealth.
• The desire to kill innocent babies in the womb, up to and including the time the baby is born, while advocating leniency and release for convicted murderers.
• To advocate disarming law-abiding citizens, removing their natural right of self-defense for themselves and their families. To allow only the rich and well-connected the right to self-defense.
• To offer no real consequence for criminal activity. Releasing criminals back out onto our streets after giving them little or no punishment for their criminal activity.
• To push mass media produced propaganda supporting ‘woke’ thought while suppressing all other viewpoints. That is where this definition of 'woke' currently stands. What say you? William James Boyd Executive Director Boyd Broadcasting
What is 'Woke?'
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